

boris, que pasa!
basically we were treated as good as the musicians and everybody else.....all expenses paid, with chofers and free drinks and cash before we even finished painting....everything in a paradise island, painting a huge mural like i never did before. Maybe i am too easy to satisfy, but i felt like a rock star....we even drank the whole minibar from the hotel and trashed the rooms and nobody said anything
anyway...see you soon

hey boris
hello. we talked a while back about your are you? what have you been up to? are you still based in spain? I was going through your web again recently and thought of getting a leatherbimbo for my partner's birthday in the middle of next month (sept 19, i believe!) do you have one of the black leather bimbo? if so, do you think it can get here by middle of next month??? the black SPICY leather bimbo definitely will bring nights of dark wonders to the hot tropical days of asia...
let me know!

dear boris , i love oyu.. let me count the ways.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ok now that is over, how are oyu, how is oyur baby, how is patricia, how is the german villager in spain, we love oyu i want to tell oyu hello and see how you are doing and next time we can wrestle wwf style,

My name is Titha and I'm pregnant waiting for Frederico...My friend is in London now and I really wanted a Bimbo to my baby!
Please.....Where he can find it for us in London?
(Sorry my poor english...)

I came across your site and was really interested in the dolls you make. I live in the US and was wondering how familiar you are with imagery of black people generated at the turn of last century? i.e. the pickaninny, the golliwog

i reli wana buy these adorable darlings. why? hmm.. i hav a thing for funny lookin weird stuff. how can i explain it. its like beautiful vs ugly. i dun see the distinction. there is beauty in ugly to me. a lot of beauty in ugly. u know what i mean? haha. plus i believe ur bimbos explain a lot through one simple doll. its a brave appraoch to the soo "civilised" world. embracing sexuality in all aspects. i respect that.
urs,^ poo

Hey Bronson and Johnson! You tanning in the sunshine of Barcelona! Im happy that you don't hate us Americans any more! We are not so bad, I told you! But for real, how did your car come out? You have any pictures? Come on I want to see it! Let me see them please!! Did you make the giant doll? Did it fall over and kill a journalist? That's what I was hoping that it did! a murdering sculpture! I love it! It was really nice to hang out with you again! We needed some more drawing time together! I never got to work in the translucent paper thing with you! But, there is always next time! What are you up to now? Vacation time? Give my regards and a big kiss to Patri! Ok. Talk to you later, don't be a stranger! Write some times and send me pictures of nigers and stuff! I like it!

how are you doing my friend, i hope you are great, i am looking foward to sleeping in your hotel room when i go to copenhagen it will be me you and tury sharing a bed.!

Christmas? we do not believe in him.
jokin'.. no we dont celebrate Christian holidays and THAT'S A GOD DAMN SHAME!
i will celebrate christmas this year! (how do i do that?)
do i need snow? will pinetree and child-molester drunk old man with a red hood will be enough?
/ Jewboy

Oh, there's one favour I would like to ask you: I got to know you through a book where your work was in.
There was this picture of a girl wearing one of your shirts, she's got big glasses and black hair and she's also on your site sitting on a bed next to an orange wall.
Pleeeeeeease send me this picture, I like the image of this girl a lot, she's kind of mysterious.
Thank you very much for all the nice stuff, it makes me happy

Reader Comments (2)

Hola Boris
How are u? i love your new web site..i love your bimbos also, are great !!i do an exhibition this saturday 17, do you receive me email?
un beso

December 13, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterdelphine

que tal boris. todo bien?.... acabo de ver volver a ver tu trabajo despues de tiempo, y sabes .... tu fuiste el primero y el Anico q me impulsã a seguir con el graffiti... y nada q vi ahora tu nuevo trabajo y lo q mas me encantá fueron tus libros y demãs dibujos eráticos.... tu sabes mi debilidad hacia ti son tus fantãsticas posiciones con las muñecas q haces. joder boris, q gracioso eres!
en fin, me encantaria saber como conseguir en peru algo de ti, tienes alguna conexión con alguien aca en pera quiero saber mas de ti, mas de tus trabajos, quiero q me animes a seguir con mas de esto.....

dime si tienes contactos aca en peru para saber mas de ti, besos guapo!

aca te dejo mi mail :

December 20, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercleo.

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